Bay Area native. math teacher turned creative. freelance photog.

I'm Josh: A freelance Portrait Photographer & Creative.

I pick up my camera to find the beauty in the simplest moments

Originally from the Bay Area, I moved to D.C. in the Summer of 2018 to pursue my teaching career. Since them, I've developed a love for Street Photography. Acting as a silent observer, I capture energy, beauty, humanity, and perspective in the moment. I shoot to show life through my eyes. In everything that I do, I hope to grow my craft in the art of street photography, develop patience & creativity, and build a love of capturing the moment.

Fact 1

I was born and raised in the Bay Area, CA. My Dad has been my influence and initial foundation into photography. My Dad gifted his Canon AE-1 to me in November of 2022. I see it as a rite of passage and my initial affirmation to grow my eye in photography.

Fact 2

In the beginning of 2023, I solely focused on street photography. However, I leaned into working with subjects face-to-face and grew to enjoy the creative energy that we shared in collaboration.


Naturally, I play the role as an observer. I love to take note of the energy around to learn how we can build a creative synthesis of art. I celebrate the strengths of my subjects but also challenge myself to stretch my artistic ability to improve.


Working and collaborating with other creatives and photogs has helped me manage my social anxiety. I use photography as a therapeutic vehicle to express myself.